Nevada Newsmakers


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"If you don’t have the human capital, you don’t have anything. "
- State Senator Bernice Mathews talking about her business, which has suffered double digit losses over the past couple of years. How she has cut her expenses and cut her own salary, while not laying off her employees. - Thursday, August 13, 2009.
"It’s not about me. It’s not about the Governor. It’s not about the Legislature. It’s about the citizens of Nevada and it’s about getting that stimulus money out as quickly as possible into the hands of our citizens so we can create those jobs. "
- Kim Wallin, State Controller responding to the governor’s chief of staff, Robin Reedy, who was quoted as saying “The Controller can lick the stamp” in regards to the battle over who will be in charge of the federal stimulus money coming to Nevada. - Wednesday, August 12, 2009.
"Immigration reform? With the shape of the economy right now, who wants to come here? "
- John Griffin, Kummer Kaempfer, jokingly responding to the President’s assertion that immigration reform is off the agenda until next year. - Tuesday, August 11, 2009.
"Whether that turns out to be a three year hit as opposed to a 7 year hit, I think that’s really difficult to see and a very dangerous game for someone whose hoping that they’re credit is impacted less by the fact that they have a foreclosure or bankruptcy. "
- Jeremy Aguero, Principal, Applied Analysis, on whether the fact that there are so many people currently in foreclosure or bankruptcy that there might have to be a reduced time the debt stays on their credit history. - Monday, August 10, 2009.
"Somebody can deride you for your support of health care reform or insurance reform, which is really what it’s turning in to. "
- Bill Uffelman, Nevada Bankers Association, discussing why so many Senators and Congressman are ducking the media during the August recess. - Thursday, August 6, 2009.
"Let’s get this Country back to where families are supposed to help family members. Let’s get this country back to where churches are supposed to help their church members. You know, government’s job is not to take care of everyone. "
- George Harris, Publisher, Liberty Watch Magazine, responding to whether the States’ budget is being balanced on the backs of the poor. - Wednesday, August 5, 2009.
"Probably not, but that’s politically the place it’s going to be. "
- Larry Matheis, Nevada State Medical Association on whether the stimulus tsar should be under the State Controller. - Tuesday, August 4, 2009.
"We had estimates of what we thought it would cost, the bids are coming in lower and what it has allowed us to do is to put out more projects and thus help put more people to work. "
- Susan Martinovich, Director of NDOT, on what the Department is doing to get more bang for the buck from the federal stimulus funds. - Monday, August 3, 2009.
"At the last Regent’s meeting our student leaders stood up and said we’re all citizens of Nevada, we want to pay our part of the rebuilding and so we urge the regents to raise tuition 10%. "
- Dr. Milton Glick, President UNR, pointing out the real statement of the importance of the student’s education, to them, during this fiscal crisis. - Thursday, July 30, 2009.
"I think that what you probably see is construction within 24 months, 36 months, somewhere in there. "
- Harvey Whittemore, Founder Wingfield Nevada Group - after getting a unanimous decision, by the Nevada Supreme Court, in his favor, regarding the Lazy 8 Hotel Casino in Sparks. - Wednesday, July 29, 2009.
"I think the Blue Dogs are important to the Democratic Party, they represent that moderate voice that says lets go slow, let’s see what the fiscal impact of this is. I think it brings great balance to the Party. "
- Jill Derby, former Congressional Candidate and State Party Chair, who was endorsed by the Blue Dog Democrats. - Tuesday, July 28, 2009.
"I know what it’s like to lose an election. It’s no fun. "
- Former Governor Robert List who said he is not convinced, at this point, that Governor Gibbons is going to run, for a variety of reasons. - Monday, July 27, 2009.
"If you look at the total project with the Entertainment, with the Boardwalk, the Marina, the Value Retail that we offer, it’s atop five project in the United States. "
- Dennis McGovern GM Legends at Sparks Marina on the billion dollar development that just expended into its second phase. - Thursday, July 23, 2009.
"We’re too focused on politics and not enough focus is made on policy at the Legislature and that’s something I hope to correct. "
- Ben Kieckhefer candidate for the District 4 Senate Seat, currently held by term limited Senator Randolph Townsend, outlining one of the reasons he is running for the seat. - Wednesday, July 22, 2009.
"We’ve got to have a discussion about what we want this State to look like. "
- Mike Montandon, former Republican Mayor of North Las Vegas now running for Governor discussing his point that we need to discuss all the major areas of funding in the State and prioritize them. - Tuesday, July 21, 2009.
"I kinda like the fact that he did that. "
- Scott Craigie, Alrus Consulting and a former marine, commenting on whether Governor Jim Gibbons made the right move by visiting the troops in Afghanistan. - Monday, July 20, 2009.
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