Nevada Newsmakers


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"But to say, I'm going to go back to Congress and be non-affiliated first, I question that."
- Congressman Mark Amodei (R) CD 2 says of his opponent’s non-partisan strategy, explaining the importance of committee assignments, lobbying for bills, and working across the aisle to achieve policy changes. Greg Kidd (NPP) responds by highlighting his background and understanding on how to get things done in a two year period, adding he intends to bring a “business attitude rather than a lawyer attitude” to his time in Congress. - Friday, October 18, 2024.
"I do believe a woman's right to choose is a civil right."
- Greg Kidd (NPP) says he doesn’t believe this should be changed state by state, but given the reality we have, we should enshrine that right at a constitutional level in the state of Nevada. Congressman Mark Amodei (R) CD 2 says he doesn’t disagree, however he sees a flaw in the abortion question on the 2024 ballot not requiring a physician to be present. - Thursday, October 17, 2024.
"There are clearly some businesses who were affected."
- Tick Segerblom, Chair, Clark County Commission, says that while he can’t go into too much detail because of the lawsuit, he explains there were legitimate claims against Formula 1 on how businesses were negatively impacted. He adds, “I think overall the question we have to ask ourselves, is it worth it?” - Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
"But the biggest concern that I heard from voters is that it's confusing for a lot of people, especially for elderly folks."
- Jessica Hill, Political Reporter, Las Vegas Review Journal, discusses the complexities of ranked-choice voting, explaining not understanding how to rank would increase the amount of mistakes people make on their ballots. - Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
"I was surprised that I got Harry Reid, and probably other than someone who's doing a biography on him, I may have been one of the last people to speak with Senator Reid before he found out whether there is an afterlife or not."
- Pat Hickey, Author and former Republican Assembly Leader, says they talked in great detail about life and thoughts on human mortality in his new book, “Here and Hereafter: Nevada Voices on Life and the Great Beyond.” In his book, he interviews notable and prominent Nevadans on their thoughts of the future and whether or not there is an afterlife. - Friday, October 11, 2024.
"I think robotics are the wave of the future."
- Eugenia Larmore, PhD, MBA, President of Ekay Economic Consultants, agrees that with the current rates and economy, we’re likely to see robotics become more integrated in certain service industries. - Thursday, October 10, 2024.
"It is a huge impact."
- Paul Enos, CEO, Nevada Trucking Association, says the dockworkers strike will affect everything from electronic equipment, shoes, and clothing to imported goods and food, noting we’ll see some of the first impacts through perishable food items. - Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
"The legislature itself is the only public body in a state that's truly exempt from all of the transparency laws that it creates for everyone else."
- Ben Kieckhefer, BRK Nevada LLC, says it’s gotten to the point where this needs to be changed. He explains that while he’s seen the importance of public records laws and how critical they are in transparency and accountability, he’s also seen how they’ve been “weaponized by political organizations and for the legislature to hold everybody to a standard that they then exempt themselves from.” - Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
"The longer this goes on, it's exponentially backing up, and you don't just fix it."
- Mary Lau, President, CEO, Retail Association of Nevada, says of the dock workers strike, previously adding that besides the people who were ordering early for the holidays, we’re “messed up beyond all recognition.” - Friday, October 4, 2024.
"The infrastructure needs to be taken care of, to transport people out to Storey County."
- Ed Lawson, Mayor of Sparks, says 80% of the people who work in the area live in Reno and Sparks and the only way to get out there at this time is by taking I-80, adding that once the widening of the road happens in the canyon area it will be a “nightmare.” He explains it’s a quality of life issue for employees, and businesses are looking to participate in the cost of the road alignment and other upfront expenses because of the impact it’s having on their business. - Thursday, October 3, 2024.
"There's a lot of us pushing and trying to continue to redevelop downtown, and it's happening, but it's not happening at the pace I would like."
- Par Tolles, CEO, Tolles Development Company, says that while there has been a huge effort to move the homeless population away from Downtown Reno, there’s still “a lot of stubborn property owners” that have dilapidated buildings. He explains he wants to see Reno’s code enforcement amp up what they demand for South Virginia Street, and if people don’t reinvest in their properties, then they should have to sell. - Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
"Our firm views Nevada as one of the nation's premier states for doing business for a number of reasons."
- John Boyd, The Boyd Company, Inc, lists a superior tax climate, pro-business regulatory environment and tort system as reasons why Nevada has been a beneficiary of the historic migration of people, wealth, and businesses out of California. He later addresses two major challenges the Silver State has–lack of land and affordable housing–saying the overwhelming demand for people to move to the state should encourage more developers to focus on housing. - Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
"People need to have faith in the system."
- David Gibbs, President, “Repair the Vote” says this ballot initiative will help restore some of the faith in the election system by verifying that the person voting is actually who they say they are. He explains the goal of the nonpartisan organization is to advocate for a ballot initiative that would require voters to present photo ID when voting in person or provide the last four digits of their Nevada driver’s license of Social Security number if voting by mail. - Friday, September 27, 2024.
"We're looking to make a tremendous impact there in North Las Vegas."
- Gavin Naples, VP, Tunnel to Towers Foundation, shares plans that they are under contract to purchase five acres in prime Las Vegas location to build a veterans residence program. The 112 unit apartment complex will also offer supportive services for veterans, including case management assistance, behavioral health and PTSD support. - Thursday, September 26, 2024.
"I don't want my kids to grow up in a country that is going to end up to be Russia someday."
- Ron Quince, Non Partisan Independent Candidate for CD 1 says he decided to run for office because there are problems with the politicians in office right now and we need “a lot of change in this country.” He explains that when he grew up in the States, it used to be like the Reagan era and everybody was pro-American, and now “it’s not what it used to be anymore.” - Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
"It might be one of the solutions, but it's not the silver bullet."
- Congresswoman Dina Titus CD 1 says passing a lands bill wouldn’t be the only answer to decrease housing costs. She explains not only is it not an easy thing to get passed, but also checks need to be in place to ensure developers build in places everyday working families can afford. - Tuesday, September 24, 2024.
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