Nevada Newsmakers


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"There are consequences for doctors. We’ve already investigated and criminally prosecuted doctors, in this state for abuse of prescription drugs and when I say abuse, prescribing drugs without any consequence, without, maybe, doing a physical exam or knowing the history of the patient. "
- Catherine Cortez Masto, Nevada’s Attorney General discussing prescription drug abuse as regards to doctors. - Monday, September 14, 2009.
"There is a knot that comes into the pit of your stomach and says, you know what, I could die, I could die. "
- Bob Crowell, Mayor of Carson City, upon accepting the fact that he had contracted cancer of the prostate. - Thursday, September 10, 2009.
"It's like when you go into a clothing store and it says 70% off for this suit. Wow 70% off. Yeah of a number we just made up in our heads. Yes it's 70% of a 500 thousand dollar suit. "
- Bill Maher, Host HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher mocking the pharmaceutical industry's offer to cut their profits by 8 billion dollars a year for the next ten years as part of the current health care reform. - Thursday, September 10, 2009.
"If we are now in the mid forties on a lot of indicators, among all the states, we probably at risk going farther down towards the 50 position. "
- Dean Ole Thienhaus of the Nevada School of Medicine on the fact that Nevada will be going backwards in terms of having sufficient licensed physicians by 2013. - Wednesday, September 9, 2009.
"They said well, it may well be that you contracted the beginnings of that cancer 50 years ago. "
- Jim Rogers, Chairman and CEO Sunbelt Communications Company discussing the origins of his cancer of the bladder, now cured, which can be traced back to his 7 summers working at the Nevada Test Site, while in college. - Thursday, September 3, 2009.
"I just got back from Washington, DC and I met with some people in the Department of Energy, some very high level people, in the Department of Energy and I also sat in a boardroom with several top Department of Homeland Security officials who are very interested in my idea. "
- Taylor Wilson, 15 year old student at The Davidson Academy for the Profoundly Gifted. Who has invented a way to detect nuclear materials and bombs coming into US ports. - Wednesday, September 2, 2009.
"Why is it that Harry Reid spent more time bailing out Detroit and more time bailing out banks than coming home and helping us here in Nevada? "
- Sue Lowden, State Chairman, Nevada Republican Party attacking Senator Reid prior to her likely entry into the race for US Senate. - Tuesday, September 1, 2009.
"Almost half of our high school students are never completing high school. That’s going to have a huge impact on our society. "
- Pamala Butters, I Can Do Anything Charter High School discussing the high school dropout rate in Nevada. - Monday, August 31, 2009.
"I’m very confidant that those groups that supported me in the past, when I ran for Congress, will support me again and Harry Reid’s going to need every dime of that money to reinvent himself. "
- Sharron Angle running for US Senate against Senator Reid when asked about the disparity of her having raised $35,000 so far versus Reid’s 11 million dollars. - Thursday, August 27, 2009.
"What I think he could have done, is two things, one he could have rallied the Democratic support for it and number two he was the 60th vote in the Senate. "
- Chris Wicker, Former Chairman Washoe County Party, on what role Senator Ted Kennedy could have played in the health care debate and beyond. - Wednesday, August 26, 2009.
"She’s like a puppy that starts finding its maturity and starts snapping and biting back. She wasn’t letting folks push her around at all and I think she’s going to come out a lot more spirited than you’ve seen Sue before if today was any indication. "
- Washoe County DA Dick Gammick observing a Nevada Newsmakers interview with Sue Lowden who is likely to announce against Senator Reid after Labor Day. Note: The interview airs next week. - Tuesday, August 25, 2009.
"There was a lot of shouting going on back and forth cos both sides were represented. They had some signs. There were no guns that I saw. "
- Congresswomen Dina Titus discussing her regular “Congress on the Corner” meeting in Henderson last week and how, in the end, the Congresswoman received several good ideas on Health Care Reform. - Monday, August 24, 2009.
" Everyone within NSHE has that involvement. "
- Carol Lucey, President Western Nevada College when asked if the budget cuts had caused her personal pain. - Thursday, August 20, 2009.
"As much as I hate to say agree with that statement…we do have our issues. "
- Dick Gammick, Washoe County DA responding to the fact that the Nevada State Republican Party is in shambles - Wednesday, August 19, 2009.
"That! That sums it up "
- Jim Denton, Denton and Associates affirming that his companies new affiliation with Sig Rogich, Jeremy Aguerro and Glenn Bolger will focus on initiative petitions and running campaigns. - Tuesday, August 18, 2009.
"Well it’s here! "
- Mark Milburn VP, LS Power on how the Southwest Intertie Project was permitted, connecting the northern and southern parts of the state, by the BLM, in the 90’s but not constructed until the right market opportunity. - Monday, August 17, 2009.
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