Nevada Newsmakers

Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal

Rebecca Palmer, president of the PFLAG Carson Region ( Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and Lee Rowland, Northern Coordinator, ACLU of Nevada
Robert Uithoven, Political Consultant
Helen Foley, Faiss Foley Warren
Joe Guild, attorney

"For a paper like the Review Journal to come out in favor of this I think, I really commend them but I think what’s behind that really is, even in keeping with their Libertarian philosophy, an idea that we want ordered relationships, we want people to be able to order their lives with dignity and to encourage rights and responsibility. "

- Lee Rowland ACLU discussing the Las Vegas Review Journal’s support, editorially, of the Domestic Partnership bill that is moving through the Legislature.