Nevada Newsmakers

Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal

Mark Amodei, State Senator ( R ) Storey/CarsonDouglas/Lyon
Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Alfredo Alonso, Lewis and Roca LLP
John Sande IV, Attorney, Jones Vargas

"Trying to do both is something that I think unfairly puts the Association, at a time when they’re going to be taken a pretty good look at, unfairly puts them in a position where they ought to be judged based on what they’re providing for the State of Nevada and what their footprint is, as opposed to who their Executive Director is. "

- State Senate Mark Amodei, on one of the reasons why he resigned as the head of the Nevada Mining Association, well in advance of the 2009 Legislative session.