Nevada Newsmakers

Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Paul Enos, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc.

Michael Cherry, District Judge -Candidate for the Supreme Court of Nevada
Eric Odom, Director for NICPAC
Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Liz MacMenamin, Director of G'vmt Affairs Retail Assoc. of Nevada
Mylan Hawkins, Vice President, Interface Computer Associates

"I have heard both sides of the issue and actually I’m not in favor of taking private property for private use. Eminent Domain and condemnation procedures should be used when property is taken for public use, but I have a lot of problems with taking private property for private use. It is not fair to the owners of the land."

- Michael Cherry, District Judge -Candidate for the Supreme Court of Nevada, discussing his feelings on Eminent Domain.