Nevada Newsmakers

Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Jim Denton, Jim Denton Associates, Inc

Donna Coleman, Child Activist-Demanding Justice for America's Children and Bill Grimm-Attorney
National Center for Youth Law
Paul Enos, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc.
Larry Matheis, Executive Director, Nevada State Medical Association
Alfredo Alonso, Lionel, Sawyer and Collins

"We are considering litigation both with regard to the child protective services system, which involves children like Adacelli Snyder, and also in terms of the foster care system and its protection and care of children who were taken away from their families and that includes children like Jushai Spurgeon who has all but been forgotten now, but a three month old child who was scalded to death while in protective custody for Clark County."

- Bill Grimm, Attorney with National Center for Youth Law, discussing Clark County problems regarding child protective services.