Nevada Newsmakers

Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal

Brett Kandt, Executive Director of Nevada Prosecution Advisory Council and Candidate for Reno City Attorney
Martha Gould, National Library Commission
Deidre Pike, Reno News and Review
Daryl E. Capurro, Nevada Motor Transport Assn.- Managing Director
Chris Wicker, Chair, Washoe County Democratic Party

"Assembly Speaker Richard Perkins was the personality of the year. And not because of what he accomplished but because of what he proved wasn't going to happen. He proved that the paradigm that has gotten the last two or three Governors elected in Nevada wasn't going to work this time.where you go with the anointment process, or you go and suck up all the money and the political talent early in a small state and make it impossible for someone else to run, and he broke that this time because he dropped out of the race and is not running, he was supposed to be the anointed one."

- Anjeanette Damon, Political Reporter for the Reno Gazette-Journal,discussing who is on the top of her list for top political personalityof 2005.