Nevada Newsmakers


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"I think it’s a crazy way to run an election."
- John Tsarpalas, President, Nevada Policy, explains the pitfalls of ranked-choice voting, including how confusing this process is to voters, difficulties and mistakes made in counting, and the unfairness of some voting more than once, among other issues. Ranked-choice voting will appear again on this year’s ballot and will become a constitutional amendment if passed again. - Friday, January 12, 2024.
"At this point, I just think that the Republicans are making it so that their people don’t feel comfortable participating in elections anymore."
- Annette Magnus, Political Consultant, says Republicans down the ticket should worry about turnout because its base is questioning the election system, due to the rhetoric coming from the party itself. - Thursday, January 11, 2024.
"It’s probably going to be a pretty good disaster."
- Russell Rowe, Managing Principal - Rowe Law Group, says of the Republican split primary caucus. Pundit Helen Foley, President of Foley Public Affairs, adds that this will be a “total embarrassment for Nevada” while John Oceguera, Former Speaker of the Nevada Assembly, Strategies 360, explains that this will be confusing to most voters and will add to the “disaster in the making.” - Wednesday, January 10, 2024.
"The buzzword of artificial intelligence is alive and kicking at CES."
- Rick Velotta, Tourism and Gaming Reporter, Las Vegas Review Journal, says there are a lot of talks at the tech event about how AI will affect people both positively and negatively. - Tuesday, January 9, 2024.
"We have such a desert of providers, there won’t be a lot of duplication."
- Oscar Delgado, CEO of Community Health Alliance, says there isn’t duplication of efforts because we actually need more resources and providers, especially when it comes to specialists, in the area. - Friday, January 5, 2024.
"The system’s broken."
- Alex De Castroverde, De Castroverde Law Group, says on the issue of immigration. He says that the open border situation we have right now isn’t helping anyone, adding he thinks we need to fix the immigration system and make sure our country is safe by taking control of the border. - Thursday, January 4, 2024.
"What passes for climate science is very political."
- Dr. Judith Curry, American Climatologist, discusses her book about the uncertainty surrounding the climate change problem. She says the “policy cart has been way out in front of the scientific horse from the very beginning on this issue” and what the public is exposed to in the media is a “carefully crafted spin” that is far away from our foundational understanding of science. - Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
"I do not like the trajectory that our country’s on."
- Lt. Col Tony Grady (Rtd), Republican Candidate for US Senate, talks about why he wants to run for this position. He says he is “entering into the fight” because he has a certain skill set to help our country get back on track. - Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
"That makes Nevada not just a national leader, but really an international leader in this key technology focus area."
- Fred Steinman, Director of the University Center for Economic Development, UNR, explains how Nevada's major strengths bolstered their application to be designated a Regional Technology and Innovation Hub by the Biden administration for its lithium batteries and other EV material loop. - Friday, December 29, 2023.
"We will not be running any political operations out of the Governor’s office."
- Ben Kieckhefer, Chief of Staff to Governor Lombardo, says that while the political dynamics will “heat up” during the campaign season and bleed into the rhetoric that gets discussed, the Lombardo administration will continue to focus on operating state government. He explains that it’s Governor Lombardo’s directive to not conduct politics in the governor’s office, but rather keep the focus on being a service organization. - Thursday, December 28, 2023.
"Polling now is almost confirming what you already know."
- Mary Lau, President, CEO, Retail Association of Nevada, says polling has become very sophisticated through precise algorithms. She earlier says that right now, private polling shows former president Donald Trump taking both the election and Nevada, adding that if we take another poll tomorrow, the results will be different. - Wednesday, December 27, 2023.
"It’s a big problem."
- Chris Anderson, CEO of DJ&A Engineering, explains a change in federal tax code, calling it an attack on companies that engage in innovation, research and development. He says the change creates a significant tax burden for companies both large and small, but the effects are amplified for small businesses. - Tuesday, December 26, 2023.
"As voters, if we’re not paying attention, that is really our way to fix this problem absent of legal action."
- Laura McSwain, President, Water Fairness Coalition Board, says this agency was created to bring people together on their issue demanding a stop to unfair water usage penalties in Las Vegas. - Friday, December 22, 2023.
"That was the difference maker."
- Terry Reynolds, President, The Reynolds Company, says expanding Brightline into the Los Angeles-area was an expensive, but smart move at the right time to get the investment they needed into the project. - Thursday, December 21, 2023.
"The city really missed the mark on this issue."
- Tera Anderson, Mayoral Candidate, Las Vegas, says on the legal dispute over the Badlands golf course explaining Las Vegas undermined ground rules of land use and property rights. She adds that there are more thoughtful ways to ensure a win-win dynamic between existing residents and new residential development, but “the city weaponizing itself to fight a residential concept on residentially zoned land is an overreach at best.” - Wednesday, December 20, 2023.
"We are making a difference."
- Par Tolles, Tolles Development Company, discusses the homeless issue in Northern Nevada, saying that Reno is becoming the model for the West on how to handle homelessness. Recently, he was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on how Reno is reducing the number of unsheltered and getting people off of the streets. - Tuesday, December 19, 2023.
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