Nevada Newsmakers


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"I just think it’s a shame that it’s degraded to this point where rather than having an open discussion with all the parties about how best to fund the state’s future, to deal with our different needs, we’re now in this back forth between potentially competing ballot initiatives. "
- Assemblyman David Bobzien talking about both the Teacher’s Association and the Las Vegas Sands Initiative Petitions on taxes. - Monday, March 3, 2008.
"David Stern, I heard, say this best, commissioner of the NBA, and in effect, the commissioner of the NBA Development League as well. That despite all of the technology fragmentation, that you just described, people being pulled in different directions. There are two places where people will continue to gravitate. One are houses of worship and one is houses of sports worship i.e. arenas. "
- David Kahn, NBA Reno Development League, on why triple A baseball and basketball will thrive in Reno in their new venues. - Thursday, February 28, 2008.
"This is absolutely criminal and you have to wonder how did all this evolve? Somebody in senior management in this particular center made a decision back in March of 2004 that we can save a few bucks by reusing syringes and no one will know. And apparently that decision was made without any regard, whatsoever, to the safety of the patient and the ultimate long term effect this is going to have on the cynicism of the public about health care. "
- Keith Lee, Attorney, on the Endoscopy Center of Southern Nevada accused of reusing syringes and potentially exposing patients to HIV and Hepatitis B and C. Over 40,000 patients need to be checked. - Thursday, February 28, 2008.
"Everyone realizes we need an option for some students. "
- Assemblywoman Bonnie Parnell, Chairman Education Committee, on why she believes the Legislature is supportive of Charter Schools. - Wednesday, February 27, 2008.
"I think because we did such a good job, even though I know some people are not happy, that we have been noticed on a national level. We are serious about our politics here in Nevada and I don’t think anybody ever thought we were, so that’s a good thing. "
- Sue Lowden, Chairman-Nevada Republican Party, on how Nevada will remain an early political force along with New Hampshire, Iowa and South Carolina. - Tuesday, February 26, 2008.
"I laugh at such an uneducated response. Of course the sun doesn’t shine all the time; of course the wind doesn’t blow all the time. Geothermal does pour from the earth all the time and that’s why you need back up but do we need to use dirty coal to back up, of course not. There’s so many other things we can do. Natural gas, there’s biomasses, all kinds of things we can do and no matter how many times you repeat it, that coal is clean, coal’s dirty."
- US Senator Harry Reid – Majority Leader US Senate responding to Sierra Pacific Resources Chairman Michael Yakira’s comments on the need for back up power from coal fired plants in White Pine County. - Thursday, February 21, 2008.
"If you are a business and you’ve got a corporate jet and you want to base that jet someplace. You want to know that you’ve got fuel available all the time. That you can get in day and night, that the runways will be cleared. That in the event, the unprecedented event, that you need some emergency services they’re there within two minutes. We’ve got all that."
- Krys Bart President/CEO Reno Tahoe Int. Airport giving a great sales pitch to get more corporate jet business to her airport because they offer superior services. - Wednesday, February 20, 2008.
"If looking at the tax structure means adding taxes, I don’t think so."
- State Senator Mike McGuinness in answer to the question of whether the next Legislature will seriously take a look at the State’s tax structure. - Tuesday, February 19, 2008.
"From the negative came a little positive. People are paying attention. I’m not sure we can hope for a writers strike every election cycle, but it seems to me that this is more interesting than a lot of the shows you watch.. "
- Sig Rogich, Rogich Communications Group, on how the writers strike has made the Presidential debates first run television. - Thursday, February 14, 2008.
"I’m a believer that you run for the Presidency; you don’t do a slow walk. "
- Majority Leader Bill Raggio, on the failed Giuliani Presidential campaign. - Wednesday, February 13, 2008.
"They do operate, ultimately, in a political environment. They have to get licenses. They have to get building permits. They have to do everything you do in a political environment so of course they are going to participate and obviously Mr. Adelson’s made the decision to participate in a very big way. "
- Mike Hillerby, Wingfield Nevada Group, on Sheldon Adelson, of Las Vegas Sands’ support of Freedoms Watch, a conservative group that seeks to match or exceed the influence of MoveOn.Org. - Tuesday, February 12, 2008.
"Our question is how much is enough? When is enough, is enough? Is a quarter of a billion dollars enough? "
- Bill Weidner, President, Las Vegas Sands, on their desire to cap the Las Vegas Convention Authority’s share of the room tax revenue and use increases in future room tax revenue for other state purposes. - Monday, February 11, 2008.
"I have never seen anything like it and I just love it. I love the excitement in the young people. I love going into stores and having people talk about politics. Because I’ll tell ya, I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s great. "
- Barbara Buckley, Speaker of the Assembly, on the success of the Nevada Caucus. - Thursday, February 7, 2008.
"He has a very short fuse. I think he may have it under control but you know that’s his make up. If he is crossed or something happens that he doesn’t like, I mean, he physically reacts. And I’ve sat next to him in committee, for 5 or 6 years and when he would do that, I would have to use the word, he scared the bejeesus out of me. "
- Former Congressman Barbara Vucanovich on John McCain. - Wednesday, February 6, 2008.
"I don’t. I don’t think that’s the way we should conduct business in this State. "
- Assemblywoman Debbie Smith, Vice Chair of the Education Committee, on whether she supports the teachers’ initiative petition to raise only the gaming tax. - Tuesday, February 5, 2008.
"We’re taking money from the Chinese and we’re going to send everybody a check so they can buy an HDTV from the Chinese. I mean how’s that going to stimulate the economy? "
- Former State Senator Ernie Adler on the proposed stimulus package before Congress. - Monday, February 4, 2008.
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