Nevada Newsmakers


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"Elko is more purple than it was red even a year ago. "
- Doug McMurdo, Elko Daily Free Press, on how Elko is now a swing county in a swing state. - Thursday, June 19, 2008.
"You could close Great Basin College and all the community colleges in the North and it would still not cover that amount of money. "
- John Patrick Rice, Great Basin College, on what would be the ramifications of a 14% budget cut. - Wednesday, June 18, 2008.
"We’ll see what kind of politics are played at the Supreme Court. "
- Mike Franzoia, Mayor of Elko, on how term limits will be decided, in his opinion. - Wednesday, June 18, 2008.
"We are not in favor of exporting water to Southern Nevada. "
- Charlie Myers, Elko County Commission, says that despite abundant water in Elko County, they have sent back and forth an agreement that states that SNWA will not look at their water for at least 50 years. - Wednesday, June 18, 2008.
"The average wage for a miner is 70,000 dollars and that far exceeds the average wage of everyone else in Nevada. "
- John Mudge, Newmont Mining, discussing the benefits of mining in Nevada. - Tuesday, June 17, 2008.
"I’d guess you’d call me a fiscal conservative who’s had all my angular edges worn off by pragmatism. "
- State Senator Bob Beers commenting on the state's budget crises. - Wednesday, June 11, 2008.
"The Ron Paul convention is going to be Burning Man 2. "
- Larry Matheis, Nevada State Medical Association, on the likelihood of there being two Republican conventions in Nevada this year. - Tuesday, June 10, 2008.
"It runs about 3 million a mile at our cost. "
- Roger Norman, Tahoe Reno Industrial Center on how much it costs his company to build the four-lane road that will eventually link I 80 and US 50. - Tuesday, June 10, 2008.
"No he didn’t and a Democratic candidate didn’t win, did they? "
- Lois Tarkanian, Las Vegas City Councilwoman on Oscar Goodman’s potential plans to run for Governor in 2010 and how he didn’t run in 2006. - Monday, June 9, 2008.
"It’s really kind of naïve to take on somebody of Bob’s basic political savvy. "
- Mylan Hawkins, Interface Computer Associates, discussing the candidacy of Allison Copening (D) who is running against Bob Beers. - Thursday, June 5, 2008.
"Today the market capitalization of the company, which is taking the outstanding shares of the company and multiplying by the share price, is about three and a half billion dollars. "
- Michael Yackira, President, Sierra Pacific Resources commenting on how the value of the company has tripled in the past couple of years. - Wednesday, June 4, 2008.
"Right now I don’t think it would be nearly as attractive for private equity to buy companies in Las Vegas as they did when they bought Harrah’s and they bought Station Casinos, really, in transactions that were announced almost two years ago. "
- Phil Satre, Former Chairman Harrah’s Entertainment, on the current state of the market in Las Vegas. - Tuesday, June 3, 2008.
"He and I have been talking for the last couple of weeks and we’ll see where it goes. I want to help. "
- Robert Uithoven, Political Consultant, on reports that he is going to get involved in some way with Governor Gibbons again. - Monday, June 2, 2008.
"There’s some internal hate and discontent going on in that office. "
- Ray Bacon, Nevada Manufacturing Association, when asked what was really going with Secretary of State Ross Miller and his attempts to keep some legislators off the 2008 ballot. - Thursday, May 29, 2008.
"And they have told me that, by the way. "
- Sue Lowden, Chairman Nevada Republican Party discussing the enthusiasm of the Ron Paul supporters and the fact that all they are waiting for is a date and time to return the State Convention. - Wednesday, May 28, 2008.
"There are a lot of people who are truly counting on having their children have the benefit of that revenue stream and this breaks faith with all of that. I’m very surprised by this move. "
- Scott Craigie, Alrus Consulting, discussing Lt Governor Brian Krolicki’s suggestion that the Millennium Scholarship Funds be used for bonding to help in the State’s budget crisis. - Tuesday, May 27, 2008.
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