Nevada Newsmakers


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"The Al Gore people and those people that are moving forward with the solar, great! Is there a way that they can subsidize it instead of having me subsidize it because I’m old and I can’t afford it? "
- Gary Duarte US Nuclear Energy discussing energy costs with a representative of Friends of the Earth making the case that nuclear power costs 9 cents per kilowatt hour versus solar at 22 cents. - Tuesday, October 14, 2008.
"If Titus loses in an 06 cycle and an 08 cycle she should probably give up politics. "
- Campaign consultant Robert Uithoven when asked who would prevail in the Porter/Titus race in CD3. - Monday, October 13, 2008.
"The good news is the vast majority of people in the region are not in favor of the extremist’s victory. The bad news is that the extremists are imbedded in parts of the society that have given them reach and deadly opportunity to conduct attacks on a global scale. "
- General John Abizaid (Rtd), Former Commander of the United States Central Command, on the situation in Afghanistan along the border with Pakistan. - Thursday, October 9, 2008.
"It’s a non debate, it’s a joint appearance. "
- Larry Matheis, Executive Director, Nevada State Medical Association, describing the second Presidential debate. - Wednesday, October 8, 2008.
"Nuclear power is a viable and vital ingredient, in my view, if we are going to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. "
- Senator John McCain discussing the benefits of nuclear power. - Tuesday, October 7, 2008.
"It wasn’t a yes either. "
- Speaker of the Assembly, Barbara Buckley, when asked if she was planning on running for Governor in 2010 she did not say no. - Monday, October 6, 2008.
"We felt that when Stations and Wynn came together, we felt it was very important to do something now and other casinos and other heads of the casinos really were looking for a broad based tax solution and frankly we looked at the practicality of doing that immediately and were fearful that that wouldn’t be accomplished. "
- Marybel Batjer, VP Harrah’s Entertainment, on why her group of casinos were proceeding, along with the NSEA to promote a 3% increase in the room tax rate for Clark and Washoe Counties, while other major casinos were not. - Thursday, October 2, 2008.
"The Reno, Tahoe, Sparks area is exciting for us. I didn’t know Sparks existed until 5 years ago. It really is The Adventure Place. Where else in the world is the largest concentration of ski and snowboard users in the world. We’ve got golf courses. We’ve got the Truckee River for fly fishing and kayaking. We’ve got Pyramid Lake opens up here on October 1st. We’ve got hunting and fishing and camping, hiking and mountain biking. Those are sports that we live and we thought wow! We could put a store there, right there in that Mecca. "
- Steve Scheel, CEO Scheel’s All Sports on why locating the world’s largest sporting goods store in Sparks, Nevada made sense. - Wednesday, October 1, 2008.
"There are some very basic inequality issues that take place in Washoe County School Districts. It’s unfair, it’s questionable whether it’s legal or not and I certainly think it’s not moral. "
- Developer Perry DiLoreto, discussing the inequities between newer and older schools and why he’s supporting a tax increase to help address his concerns. - Tuesday, September 30, 2008.
"It’s important to note that if it weren’t for STAR Bonds this project wouldn’t be going and people don’t understand that’s not taking money from schools, that’s money that didn’t exist. This project would have never happened but for STAR Bonds. "
- Alfredo Alonso, Lewis and Roca on how Scheel’s would have never built the world’s largest sporting goods store in Sparks, Nevada but for the assistance of Star Bonds. - Monday, September 29, 2008.
"I indicated to him that certain people had, in fact, offered to contribute to my campaign and he construed that, for some reason, as an admission on my part that I was being shallow and opportunistic, I was simply doing it because someone had paid me to run and that’s not the case at all. "
- Greg Zunino, running against Judge Brent Adams in Department 6. Judge Adams had accused Mr. Zunino of running against him because the losing member in a family lawsuit in his court had offered to help bankroll Mr. Zunino’s campaign. - Thursday, September 25, 2008.
"There’s all kinds of plans being talked about, to fix a problem, that nobody yet has defined. "
- Larry Matheis, Nevada State Medical Association discussing the early stage discussions on the 700 billion dollar bailout. - Wednesday, September 24, 2008.
"This is not the best alternative but it’s better than what could have possibly happened which was a total systemic meltdown. When houses won’t trade with each other, banks won’t lend with each other I think that Henry Paulson has shown a lot of leadership stepping in, in a crisis, not only in this country, but a global crisis "
- Dallas Haun, President/CEO Nevada State bank more discussion of the impending bailout on Wall Street. - Tuesday, September 23, 2008.
"The last time at the Federal level (fuel taxes were raised) was 1993 and I remember the discussion and they added a few cents per gallon and somebody had said gee maybe we should raise it a few more cents and the politicians said you know that gas is a dollar twenty a gallon people will not pay anymore. "
- Greg Krause, Executive Director RTC Northern Nevada, discussing RTC 5 that will raise 2.6 Billion over a 30 year period through gas taxes. - Monday, September 22, 2008.
"Well, I wouldn’t be real sad if there were a Republican primary. So, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. "
- Rory Reid Chairman, Clark County Commission, who is considering a run for Governor in 2010. - Thursday, September 18, 2008.
"I think the problem in the current administration is there’s the Governor and then about four people and nobody knows exactly who is running what and so I think when you have those types of issues, these types of things happen because there’s not one central place where the buck stops. "
- Pete Ernaut, President R&R Partners Public Affairs, commenting on the Bob Loux situation where Loux unilaterally made the decision to take the salary of a former employee and split it up between his staff members including himself. - Wednesday, September 17, 2008.
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