Nevada Newsmakers


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"That would be a little presumptuous to do that. "
- Brian Sandoval, Republican candidate for Governor, asked if he would prepare his own state budget ahead of the election because of the short window between election day and the State of the State address. - Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
"Everyone needs to step back and take a thoughtful, methodical approach to how this is going to happen. And if we don’t, shame on everyone. "
- Mendy Elliott, consultant, fearing that the upcoming special session will devolve into a repeat of the very contentious 2003 legislative session. - Monday, February 15, 2010.
"That night at midnight, I was just bombarded with people shoving pieces of paper into my pocket with what kind of bills and agenda items they wanted on there. "
- Josh Hicks, attorney at Brownstein Hyatt, recalling the night before the special session at the end of the regular 2007 session, when he was serving as Governor Gibbons chief of staff. - Thursday, February 11, 2010.
"We’re a society that has gotten away from one of the fundamental principles that all of our grandparents taught us, which is to save. Nobody is saving any money. We spend it as fast as we make it, and everybody wants everything now. "
- Yvonne Murphy of the Gilman Murphy Group, asserting that if we want government to act more fiscally responsible, we as Nevadans must do the same. - Wednesday, February 10, 2010.
"I believe that this governor is pathetically, pathetically incompetent. "
- Jim Rogers, owner, Chairman, and CEO of Sunbelt Communications, responding to the governor's State of the State speech. - Tuesday, February 9, 2010.
"I was trying to speak as bluntly as I could, to express the frustrations of the people who live in my district. "
- Congressman Dina Titus explaining why she dropped the f-bomb on Speaker Pelosi at what she thought was a private meeting. - Monday, February 8, 2010.
"I have never said we’re winning this drug war, on any of the drugs. We aren’t. That’s plain and simple. The only way were going to win it -- and unfortunately the Federal Government backed off this, thank god the local agencies didn’t -- is through education. "
- Washoe County District Attorney Dick Gammick, discussing the war on drugs, and in particular his opposition to the legalization of marijuana through a ballot initiative planned for 2012. - Thursday, February 4, 2010.
"The Bricklayers Union in Las Vegas, which represents bricklayers, tile setters, and marble workers, is 80 percent unemployed. Unemployment in the building trades in Reno is at a high of 75 percent. We didn’t have those kinds of numbers during the Great Depression. It wasn’t that bad. "
- Danny Thompson Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the AFL-CIO, drilling down to the sector numbers versus the generally accepted 13% unemployment level statewide in Nevada. - Wednesday, February 3, 2010.
"People made decisions in Massachusetts, and I think they spoke pretty loudly. "
- Scott Bensing of SB Strategic, after a discussion of whether the stimulus money was working or not on the U.S. economy. - Tuesday, February 2, 2010.
"The nation is focused on defeating Harry Reid and they want to help. "
- Sharron Angle, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, discussing how she has raised over a half a million dollars from across the country, as well as in Nevada, for her race. - Monday, February 1, 2010.
"I think it’s bad for democracy. I think it’s bad for the American public. "
- D.Taylor of the Culinary Workers Union local 226, maligning the Supreme Court decision that will allow corporation and unions to pour unlimited amounts of money into elections. - Thursday, January 28, 2010.
"It’s very close to a billion. "
- Lynn Hettrick, Deputy Chief of Staff to Governor Gibbons, discussing the size of the hole in the budget that a special session (likely for February) will have to address. - Wednesday, January 27, 2010.
"We saw an opportunity to show the establishment that with mass collaboration, we can succeed. So it was much less about Scott Brown, far more about our ability to unify and win an unthinkable election. "
- Eric Odom, Executive Director, American Liberty Alliance, discussing the Tea Party movement's success in the U.S. Senate race in Massachusetts. - Tuesday, January 26, 2010.
"It involved people who never really were involved in politics. Are you going to keep them involved? Are they going to feel like they’re drowned out? That’s probably the underlying concern. That person who can only give $15 dollars a month to their favorite candidate -- are they going to feel like it matters anymore when someone’s putting in $15 million? "
- Robert Uithoven, Political Consultant, J3 Strategies, discussing the Supreme Court ruling that gives corporations and unions the ability to put in unlimited amounts of money into advertising during political campaigns. - Monday, January 25, 2010.
"They haven’t been that fruitful, though. So far, it’s mostly been the Governor saying I’m going to announce this plan in my press conference in 30 minutes, and that’s not really the kind of give-and-take that people would like. "
- Barbara Buckley, Speaker of the Assembly, after saying she would attend the Governor’s next open house for legislators. - Thursday, January 21, 2010.
"It’s going to be difficult for the Senate Majority Leader to keep his caucus together. These guys are going to be scared to death after what happened in Massachusetts. "
- Lesley Pittman, Principal of Sierra Strategies, discussing health care and the loss of Ted Kennedy’s Massachusetts Senate seat to the Republicans. - Wednesday, January 20, 2010.
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