Displaying: 2593 to 2608 of 3450
"You don’t think it’s moving away from politics, and (it's)really the electorate saying, guys we really need to fix some things that are broken?
- Mike Bosma, Managing Shareholder of the Bosma Group, questions the co-host's assertion that the political pendulum is making a cyclical swing to the right. Bosma's interpretation -- it's a strong new message from the voters. - Wednesday, May 19, 2010.
"Many times, it’s an hour-by-hour, and you might get a good hour and then two hours that are just terrible, another half hour that’s good. It’s certainly one of those things that is very very difficult to handle at home and at school.
- Annette Whittemore, President of the Whittemore Peterson Institute, describing the debilitating effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, especially for children. - Tuesday, May 18, 2010.
"Hopefully that will be the case, as long as the environmentalists or the EPA doesn’t restrict the ability to build those transmission lines.
- Congressman Dean Heller, who is working on legislation that would allow development of transmission lines to carry power from Nevada geothermal, wind, and solar plants to other markets. - Monday, May 17, 2010.
"From the business point of view, I think this group should have been named the 'Delusional Stakeholders of Nevada.'
- Liz MacMenamin, Vice President of Government Affairs, Retail Association of Nevada, discussing the initial study released by the Nevada Vision Stakeholders Group. The group was appointed by a legislative subcommittee to implement provisions of SCR 37. - Thursday, May 13, 2010.
"It hasn’t worked through the legislative process, so I think that they need to hear from the voters that it’s a place they need to go. May be it will help someone to have some fortitude.
- Clark County Commissioner Chris Giunchigliani,throwing her support to an initiative petition to move Nevada's mining industry from a net proceeds tax to a gross proceeds tax. - Wednesday, May 12, 2010.
"I think being to be able to retire at age 70 is going to be a luxury in the future.
- Alfredo Alonso from the law firm of Lewis and Roca, on systemic problems in Greece, where some workers retire on full pay at age 53. That policy is central to the E.U. financial crisis, which has threatened to ensnare North America, too. - Tuesday, May 11, 2010.
"I want to tell everyone out there, don’t vote for any of these people that are attacking their opponents. Vote only for the people that are telling you how they are going to resolve these issues and these problems. That’s the most important thing that needs to take place in that race.
- George Harris, Chairman of Nevadans for Sound Government, discussing the Republican U.S. Senate primary candidates. - Monday, May 10, 2010.
"It’s just racial profiling at its worst, whether they’re trying to get the Feds to finally take action. I don’t know if that was their intention, or whether they’re just that fed up, but there’s a lot of anger there, and it’s going to spill over and cause a lot of problems.
- Alison Gaulden, President of Agile Campaign Strategies, discussing Arizona's controversial new immigration law. - Thursday, April 29, 2010.
"This is my opinion... that Jim Gibbons beat the heck out of Brian Sandoval, and I beat Jim Gibbons.
- Republican gubernatorial candidate Mike Montandon, reviewing last week's primary debate, held in Reno and sponsored by Anger is Brewing. - Wednesday, April 28, 2010.
"Whoever wins that primary, I think, is going to be locked into some positions that are going to be tough to defend in a general election."
- Attorney Joe Guild, discussing the far-right stance of all three of the Republican gubernatorial candidates in their recent debate. - Monday, April 26, 2010.
"That’s a pretty reasonable price, and a patient could find that they can call almost any doctor's office and offer that type of payment for an office visit, and it’s very likely they're going to get an appointment.
- Dr. Kevin Petersen of No Insurance Surgery, Las Vegas, supporting candidate Sue Lowden’s assertion that you can negotiate with your doctor for lower rates by offering 20% above the Medicare reimbursement, and paying by cash or credit card.
- Thursday, April 22, 2010.
"I don’t think... the idea of creating another Washington bureaucracy to somehow manage that is the right path.
- John Chachas, Republican U.S. Senate candidate, on the Senate’s attempts to regulate Wall Street, suggesting that transparency and larger capital reserve requirements are the correct formula. - Wednesday, April 21, 2010.
"He has been voted twice by his peers as the worst lawmaker in Carson City -- not the most conservative -- the worst.
- Republican Ben Kieckhefer, candidate for the state senate seat now occupied by Randolph Townsend, attacking opponent Ty Cobb in a four-way primary debate. - Tuesday, April 20, 2010.
"They are the ones who said they were going to "vaporize" me. They set the tone to their campaign very early on, that this was going to be a negative campaign, and that it was going to be attack mode. And when you have 25 million dollars, that’s what you can do.
- Sue Lowden, responding to one of many negative press releases about her from the Harry Reid campaign. (Said before any discussion came up about bartering for health care, which stirred a whirlwind of press and intensified the potshots from camp Reid.) - Monday, April 19, 2010.
"For me and other conservatives, it bothers me because that kind of activity -- that kind of behavior -- will be used by the other side, by the democrats, to say, 'hey conservatives are wackos. They do things that not acceptable.'
- Steve Robinson of R&R Partners, discussing Assemblyman Ty Cobb’s destruction of a campaign sign belonging to Sheila Leslie. Both are running for State Senate but not in the same race. - Thursday, April 15, 2010.
"It’s not clear that we have on the horizon a solution that’s going to completely obviate the need for a repository.
- Michael Voegele of the Nye Nuclear Waste Repository Project, suggesting that even if a nuclear waste reprocessing method is developed, it will take up to 20 years, and a repository will still be needed for the waste that can’t be reprocessed. - Wednesday, April 14, 2010.