Nevada Newsmakers


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"I don’t think you’ll see a whole lot of resistance to expanding the legislature from the Republicans. The Democrats may be a different story. "
- Chuck Muth, president of Citizen Outreach, suggests more northern legislative seats would spell advantage for the GOP. - Tuesday, November 23, 2010.
"We could have more of that if people aren’t worried if there’s another shoe gonna fall and affect their bottom line. "
- Beryl Love, Executive Editor of the Reno Gazette-Journal, casting an eye toward Carson City to lay the legislative groundwork for more small business success, and more investment in Nevada by entrepreneurs. - Monday, November 22, 2010.
"He’s a dead man walking. He cannot possibly win either primary or general. "
- Former Republican Speaker of the Assembly Bill Bilyeu's dark appraisal, after John Ensign announced he'll seek re-election to the U.S. Senate. - Thursday, November 18, 2010.
"I guess it gives you kinda of a what-the-heck, I’m termed-limited, lame ducked, so it may give you a little freedom to do something else. "
- Senate Minority Leader Mike McGinness, liberated, as 2011 approaches. - Wednesday, November 17, 2010.
"Campaign finance transparency is going to be a big priority of mine next legislative session. "
- Secretary of State Ross Miller wants to adjust campaign finance reporting deadlines so the info is available to the public sooner in the election cycle. - Tuesday, November 16, 2010.
"In the Legislature of 1875, guns were drawn, knives were flashed, spittoons were thrown. "
- Former State Archivist Guy Rocha, taking the long view on bitter partisanship in Nevada's political ranks. - Monday, November 15, 2010.
"I’m hopeful that we can approach this not as Democrat or Republican, but as Nevadans. "
- Newly-elected state senator Sheila Leslie suggests solving the state's budget crisis will require lawmakers to abandon partisanship. - Thursday, November 11, 2010.
"If that happens, all the brick and mortar locations in Nevada have something to worry about."
- Jeff Siri, President and CEO of Club Cal Neva, shares the concern of casino operators who cater to locals, that legal online poker is a threat to the business. - Wednesday, November 10, 2010.
"I think there is a boogey man in the room… I don’t think the financial community is gonna let misreprentations happen. And in fact, the profits are up."
- Washoe Democratic Party Chairman Chip Evans is skeptical of the claim that the profits of health insurers have been overstated for the sake of creating a political boogey man. - Tuesday, November 9, 2010.
"He’s afraid falling housing prices will lead to falling prices generally. But we’ve been in this for two years, and they haven’t, and there’s no reason to believe they will going forward. In fact, (food and energy) prices are going up. "
- Gerald O'Driscoll, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute, who predicts the Federal Reserve strategy of "quantitative easing" will cause inflation, and that Ben Bernanke's alarm over deflation is unwarranted. - Monday, November 8, 2010.
"Look at the assembly… a lot of people thought there was going to be a larger shift in the number of democratic seats lost."
- Consultant Mike Hillerby credits Harry Reid's coattails with a more slender loss for Dina Titus than the polls predicted, and a better-than-expected showing for down-ballot Democrats. - Wednesday, November 3, 2010.
"Nevada is ranked fourth in the nation for positive business climate. California is 49th. We’ve got a tremendous opportunity to lure some of that business into the state, and start this growth machine going."
- Consultant Scott Bensing of SB Strategies views California's election of Barbara Boxer and Jerry Brown as a gift to Nevada. - Wednesday, November 3, 2010.
"Nevada, as small a state as we are, and as much trouble as we’re in, with those people in key positions, we are in line, if we do it right, to have a lot of federal help coming back to the state of Nevada. And that’s a big deal. "
- Carson City Mayor Bob Crowell evaluates the election with an eye on Dean Heller's enhanced seniority because of the power shift in the House, and Harry Reid's continued position as Senate Majority Leader. - Wednesday, November 3, 2010.
"He’s been doing things his way for quite a while... he will keep going the way he’s going. I think the bigger question will be whether the Obama administration itself will switch gears and bring Harry Reid along with it, and come a little more toward the center."
- Attorney Josh Hicks from Brownstein Hyatt believes the message from voters was clear, but is not prepared to say that Harry Reid will change. - Wednesday, November 3, 2010.
"Most of the officials that filed the litigation were up for reelection at the time they filed. Thirteen out of 14 were up for reelection, which displays a political motivation. "
- Gubernatorial candidate Rory Reid would withdraw Nevada from the lawsuit against the feds over health care reform if he's elected. Jim Gibbons found pro bono representation for the state after Attorney General Masto declined to join the suit. - Thursday, October 28, 2010.
"The first thing I would do as Governor is meet with the Secretary of the Interior Salazar -- he was an Attorney General when I was the Attorney General -- and see what we could do to expedite that portion of things. "
- Gubernatorial candidate Brian Sandoval describes how he would streamline the 3-5 year period necessary for federal permitting of renewable energy projects. - Wednesday, October 27, 2010.
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