Displaying: 2417 to 2432 of 3450
"It would cost jobs. It would not be a job creation bill, to say the least and that’s the problem. And it would stifle entrepreneurial concepts, to me.
- State Senator James Settlemeyer, resisting a drive by Democrats to change the way Nevada classifies independent contractors. - Tuesday, April 19, 2011.
"The staff and lobbyists will have the knowledge after this.
- State Senator Mike Schneider, asked who will become the legislative expert on energy issues when his final term expires, laments term limits in general; his own and Randolph Townsend’s in particular. - Monday, April 18, 2011.
"Those discussions are happening. How far we get on some of those issues is yet to be determined, but we’re having the discussions. In the past we haven’t even had those discussions
- Speaker of the Assembly John Oceguera contends that Democrats won't shy away from traditional third-rail issues like prevailing wage and education reform. - Thursday, April 14, 2011.
"I don’t think we’re going to see the reforms come far enough to make them change their votes. I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. And I haven’t seen anything that’s wavering our senate Republicans at all.
- Senate Minority Leader Mike McGinness, who reports that GOP solidarity is intact in both houses, suggesting, contrary to whispers from the far right, that the governor won't be abandoned when push comes to shove. - Wednesday, April 13, 2011.
"The governor recognizes the need, that you can’t balance the budget without getting new revenue. Now, he approaches it by sweeping capital reserves from school districts, doing a securitization of insurance premium tax as well as a few other creative-financing type approaches.
- Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, calling Sandoval’s budget baby ugly, continues to assert that the governor’s bookkeeping leaves a $1.1 billion hole for the next legislative session.
- Tuesday, April 12, 2011.
"If online poker is legalized, I think the state of Nevada should be positioned to be first. We have historically always been the leader in the United States, as well as the world, with regard to gaming regulation, and we should maintain that position. "
- Governor Brian Sandoval, without irony, on the day Washington D. C. approved online poker, ahead of Nevada. - Monday, April 11, 2011.
"There are violent sex offenders and there’s sex offenders who are kids that have consensual sex with a girl a couple of years younger than them. Or (they are seen) urinating in public. If someone sends them a picture on their cell phone and the girl happens to be under the age of 18 it’s classified as child pornography. It shouldn’t be like that.
- Former sheriff’s deputy and corrections officer Carl Post, advocating removal of low-level sex offenders from the sex offender registry system, allowing them to resume normal life. - Thursday, April 7, 2011.
"I learned a very important lesson, and that is that I’m not giving anything until you come to me now and show me what you’re going to give.
- Danny Thompson, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Nevada AFL-CIO, suggests his union has given until it hurts, and this session, the ball is in the legislature’s court. - Wednesday, April 6, 2011.
"We’ve seen closures of libraries; we have no seasonal park workers anymore to clean our parks. We have volunteers opening and closing regional parks in the evenings. We have delays in getting to folks who are most vulnerable, who are served by county services. Folks who are clients of the public guardian’s office, it takes us seven days longer than it used to to get to someone when there’s a report of a person with disabilities, or an elderly person who can’t care for themselves. We will go in and help them but sometimes that seven days can be a matter of life and death.
- Washoe County Manager Katy Simon sings the budget-cut blues, and worries about the more cost shifting from the state to the counties. - Tuesday, April 5, 2011.
"The Reagan Library was going to have a big debate among the Republican candidates this week, and they had to put it off for six months because nobody’s declared (with the exception of Tim Pawlenty). I think it’s a very weak field so far, and some people have said it’s Obama and the 11 dwarfs, but there isn’t anybody that has nationwide stature that I think, feels strongly enough to challenge him. And even people like Mitch Daniels are walking away saying I think Obama’s going to be awfully strong in 2012.
- Ty Cobb, Former Special Advisor to President Reagan, churns over the possibility of a Donald Trump candidacy in the Republican primary. - Monday, April 4, 2011.
"I tell my board, ‘can you do something to drive the cost of gold down?... ’cause it’s making it tough on us.’
- Tim Crowley, President of the Nevada Mining Association, in mock helplessness over a legislative drive to strip the mining industry of some of its legal business deductions, resulting in a higher tax. - Thursday, March 31, 2011.
"We were really given a nod of approval by the carpenters union when they came in there recently (bought) a hundred acres day one. Put a million feet up (building space) day one. And now they are looking at going vertical with another million feet.
- Lance Gilman, Partner-Broker at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, describes a trade union venture using pension funds to buy land and build spec buildings with union labor. - Wednesday, March 30, 2011.
"I think the reality, at this point, is that it’s pretty early in this session, and to some extent, to keep my powder dry.
- Dan Klaich, Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education relates the message he has been getting from his pro bono lobbyists, headed up by former Senator Richard Bryan. - Tuesday, March 29, 2011.
"This bill assumes that everybody has health insurance. A lot of people do not, and while it runs 100% contrary to any policy that Senator Leslie would propose, people are calling this the anti-poor people bill.
- Chris Ferrari, President of Ferrari Public Affairs, on Sheila Leslie’s bill that make products like Sudafed a prescription drug requiring a visit to the doctor, rather than an over-the-counter medicine. - Monday, March 28, 2011.
"Frankly, the legislature has an excellent argument that it is unclaimed property.
- Mendy Elliott, Partner, Nevada Business Strategies, supporting Assemblyman William Horne’s assertion that unclaimed winnings for Ticket-In-Ticket-Out games can be swept by the state. Currently the casinos are taxed on the amount, but get to keep the money - Thursday, March 24, 2011.
"The Defense Department and the intelligence agencies tell us that there about a hundred Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. About a hundred. So is that a 100,000 troop mission? I think we need to step back and take a look at that.
- Governor of Mississippi Haley Barbour, testing the waters in Nevada for a Presidential bid. - Wednesday, March 23, 2011.