Displaying: 2385 to 2400 of 3450
"I think that Nevada voters need the opportunity to select their candidate. That’s what a Republic deserves.
- Retired Commander Kirk Lippold, explaining why he remains in the race for Congressional District 2, even after the GOP selected Mark Amodei as its candidate, and second-place Greg Brower withdrew his candidacy to support Amodei.
- Wednesday, June 22, 2011.
"Our mission is to educate the Latino community about the values, platforms and candidates of the Republican party, while educating the Republican party on the values, issues and needs of the Latino Community.
- Elyse Monroy, founder and President of the conservative organization Nevada Latinos for Prosperity. - Tuesday, June 21, 2011.
"When our researcher has traveled and shown other researchers those methods, they have been successful in their own laboratories.
- Annette Whittemore, Founder and President of the Whittemore Peterson Institute, which has met skepticism with outreach concerning its XMRV retrovirus discoveries, and expects positive studies on the horizon. - Monday, June 20, 2011.
"We must make sure (the Board of Economic Development) is focused on economic development and not on personalities. That’s an inherent danger in this process.
- Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki discusses the makeup of the new legislatively-mandated board, stacked with legislators and a slew of appointees who aren’t required to have any background in economic development. - Thursday, June 16, 2011.
"I had been sitting there, thinking of 500 of my best and closest friends that I could take down, and sign up to register as Democrats, to run (for the congressional district 2 seat), Because that’s what it was going to look like.
- Heidi Smith, National Committeewoman for Washoe County Republicans, shares her thoughts about the district court decision that would allow a free-for-all election to replace Congressman Dean Heller. - Wednesday, June 15, 2011.
"Nobody’s seen any conflict of interest before.
- Former Assembly Speaker Bill Bilyeu, after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a conflict-of- interest finding on Sparks City Councilman Mike Carrigan’s Lazy 8 vote. Interpretation: Lobbyists help elect politicians, then lobby them once they’re elected. - Tuesday, June 14, 2011.
"You have folks getting ready to vote on the floor on a certain matter, but they stand up and disclose that they have a relationship, or there’s some meaningful interest in whatever might be voted on, but then they go ahead and vote on it anyway.
- Lesley Pittman of Sierra Strategies says the situation noted above happens all the time in the state legislature.
- Monday, June 13, 2011.
"It will be very comfortable for the citizens of the whole state to know that if they put up money for X project, that is what it will be used for.
- Jim Rogers, Owner of Intermountain West Communications (which airs Nevada Newsmakers), applauding the Nevada Supreme Court for ruling against a legislative sweep of money from southern Nevada’s Clean Water Coalition for use in the state budget.
- Thursday, June 9, 2011.
"Not doing redistricting… for the congressional districts or the legislature was a serious mistake, and it should not be allowed to go to the courts.
- Former State Senate Bill Raggio, chastising the legislature and the governor for their failure to come to terms on new district boundaries during the session. - Wednesday, June 8, 2011.
"This is ludicrous!
- Mendy Elliott quotes Nevada Taxpayers Association president Carole Vilardo on the last night of the 2011 session, when just two hours before the final gavel, assembly Democrats dropped a whopping 122-page bill that would put a tax increase on the ballot. - Tuesday, June 7, 2011.
"There is one company in particular that has taken 72 percent of deductions against the taxes that they pay to the State of Nevada.
- Senate Majority Leader Steven Horsford, still denouncing the net proceeds deductions for mining, even after the industry agreed to changes in their allowable deductions. - Monday, June 6, 2011.
"We have not seen this since Mike O’Callaghan. Anytime any of the Republicans would speak in the media, or just in the hallway about maybe trying to reach consensus... they would be taken over to the woodshed. "
- Helen Foley of Faiss Foley Warren says Brian Sandoval is an iron hand in a velvet glove, and his personal likability is part of the reason he was able to keep Republican legislators behind him.
- Thursday, June 2, 2011.
"The governor, with his background as a judge, is looking at this in a manner that is kinda precedent setting... He’s in a very sticky situation right now, and he’s got to make the right decisions on all fronts, not just in terms of the politics of it. "
- Chris Ferrari of Ferrari Public Affairs contemplates the abundance of caution Governor Sandoval displayed in pulling back budget provisions that could prompt future lawsuits, even if it means reversing himself on taxes. - Wednesday, June 1, 2011.
"People are at the table and talking, I mean, that’s a lot better than it was a month ago.
- Assembly Majority Leader Marcus Conklin, suggests the earnest negotiating started after the Clean Water Coalition decision of the Nevada Supreme Court forced Governor Sandoval to rethink his budget. - Tuesday, May 31, 2011.
"This information is very valuable to employers, to insurance companies, to unscrupulous people that are hacking into the records... it could affect generations of your family with regard to your insurance or your job.
- Janine Hansen, President of the Nevada Eagle Forum, views a state-mandated conversion to electronic medical records as a potential health hazard for privacy. She has teamed up with the ACLU of Nevada to lobby for patient protections. - Monday, May 30, 2011.
"When you hold bills hostage, and as Mr. (Mark) Sherwood likes to say, you kill the hostages -- that does tend to create (an) ‘I’m not so anxious to deal with you anymore’ kind of mentality.
- Freshman Assemblyman Randy Kirner (R-Washoe), is frustrated with the level of partisanship at the legislature. - Thursday, May 19, 2011.