Nevada Newsmakers


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"If they want to shoot each other, go out into the hills and shoot each other. We’ll take it from there. But not downtown with all of our citizens and everybody else. "
- Washoe County District Attorney Dick Gammick, with perspective on the Sparks Nugget shootout between rival motorcycle gangs during Northern Nevada’s annual Street Vibrations event. - Wednesday, September 28, 2011.
"That’s the road block or hurdle we’re facing right now. "
- Clark County Commissioner Steve Sisolak, on the stalled power project near Laughlin that could generate thousands of jobs, if only California Edison would grant a power purchase agreement. - Tuesday, September 27, 2011.
"The taxpayers ended up paying twice. "
- Steve Mulvenon of Mulvenon Media Relations, endorsing the elimination of remedial programs from the higher education system, and the concept that students should be prepared for college when they leave high school. - Monday, September 26, 2011.
"Until we fix the mortgage markets, and actually allow people to get back into a homeownership position, you’re not going to see our middle class feel wealthy, and they’re not going to actually experience wealth. "
- Thomas Powell, CEO of Resolute Capital Partners, on the plight of the American middle class, where the current home ownership statistics compare poorly to those of the middle class in Southeast Asia, for instance. - Thursday, September 22, 2011.
"There’s just so much money on the table, that’s why... there’s so much talk that this could happen. "
- Howard Stutz, gaming reporter for the Las Vegas Review Journal, says Nevada and the federal government would both receive huge revenue boosts from legalized internet poker, if Nevada is allowed to lead the effort. - Wednesday, September 21, 2011.
"The current Republicans in congress have made no bones about the fact that they are more interested in seeing that President Obama is a one term President, than addressing the really crying problems that we’re facing. We are rebuilding the world and we are letting our country become a banana republic. "
- Martha Gould, community activist, without kind words for congressional Republicans, the federal tax system, or the way the money is being spent. - Tuesday, September 20, 2011.
"John Huntsman could be a very attractive candidate. I think he clearly hasn’t found an avenue to differentiate himself from that pack. He’s very smart. He’s been very successful. I think he could have a lot to offer but so far has clearly not gotten any traction compared to the front runners. "
- Michael Hillerby, former chief of staff to Governor Kenny Guinn, on the news that Caesar’s Entertainment Chief Gary Loveman was named as a business advisor to Presidential Candidate John Huntsman. - Monday, September 19, 2011.
"McDonalds hit a real low about ten years ago, and we finally had to come back in and reinvent ourselves. And that’s what you have to do in gaming that’s no different, and reinvent yourself. "
- Carson Valley Inn owner and McDonalds franchisee Mike Pegram, whose reinvention of CVI included an infusion of cash to improve the shopworn property. A necessity, he says, to compete with Indian gaming. - Thursday, September 15, 2011.
"… if you put a constitutional amendment on the ballot for a tax initiative, I would fight it to my last breath. "
- Nevada Taxpayers Association president Carole Vilardo wants taxes passed by an elected body, rather than voted into the state constitution, where the unintended consequences are likely to remain unaddressed, perhaps for all time. - Wednesday, September 14, 2011.
"I personally think… the stadium renovation -- the university village surrounding it -- is the single most important project that I have seen in my lifetime for UNLV. "
- Dan Klaich, Chancellor of the Nevada System of Higher Education, applauds a massive redevelopment proposal in which UNLV would partner with private stadium developers. - Tuesday, September 13, 2011.
"Sometimes controversy follows me, because I like change. I like to find ways to do things better. I’m not afraid to say what I think about things but there are certain people you say them to and certain people you don’t. "
- Bruce Breslow Director, Nevada DMV describing his transformation from firebrand mayor of Sparks to a state-level “turnaround guy.” - Monday, September 12, 2011.
"There have been some phone calls, where companies have relocated here. For example, Urban Outfitters, who is going to relocate to Stead -- or is building their facility -- as we speak. "
- Governor Brian Sandoval, who campaigned on a pledge call on out-of-state companies and sell them on Nevada. - Thursday, September 8, 2011.
"When you see General Electric’s CEO making more in compensation than the company pays in federal taxes, something’s really wrong. "
- Marlene Lockard, Principal at Capitol Partners, favors reforming the federal tax structure so the burden is spread more widely. - Wednesday, September 7, 2011.
"When we call the media and ask them, we have an issue here and here’s our problem. I’ve found them to be very cooperative when it gets down to this type of level where it’s putting somebody at risk."
- Washoe County DA Dick Gammick responding to the massive leak of documents from WikiLeaks, that he considers irresponsible, that potentially could put lives at risk. - Thursday, September 1, 2011.
"We have been told by some Legislators if the state has to send that money back to Washoe and Clark Counties, we’ll just push more services down to you and increase your expenditures. So we’re between a rock and a hard place on that."
- Katy Simon, Washoe County Manager, discussing the 21 ½ million dollars Washoe has requested being returned to the county after it was swept by the Legislature. - Wednesday, August 31, 2011.
"A healthy sex life is good, as well as dark chocolate"
- Elisa Cafferata lobbyist for Planned Parenthood commenting on a NYT article that proclaims that eating chocolate is good for your heart. - Tuesday, August 30, 2011.
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