Displaying: 2273 to 2288 of 3450
"December was the 2nd driest December on record.
- Pat Mulroy, General Manager, Southern Nevada Water Authority, discussing her concerns that if the dry winter continues, Lake Mead would only get 25% of normal runoff. This last occurred in 2002. - Thursday, January 26, 2012.
"Maybe the question is a legitimate question, somewhere down the line but I think to set the tone of the whole debate, with that question was improper and I think that the crowd reacted properly to it. "
- Jim Rogers, CEO, Intermountain West Media, regards Newt Ginrich’s response to the question from CNN’s John King about Gingrich’s ex-wife’s revelations on Nightline, as appropriate. - Wednesday, January 25, 2012.
"If Elaine Wynn and Mr. Okada decide to vote their shares together there could be a lot of problems for Steve Wynn."
- Howard Stutz, Gaming Reporter, Las Vegas Review-Journal, discusses the current lawsuit against Wynn Resorts by the largest shareholder of the company. Wynn Resorts plans to fight the lawsuit vigorously. - Tuesday, January 24, 2012.
"To create a deal like that, when you have a contracted rate with an insurance company, in most situations, people would consider that insurance fraud."
- Dr. Brian Callister, President Nevada State Medical Association, Describing how doctors can no longer offer a cheaper price if you offer cash instead of going through your insurance company, because they would be liable for civil and criminal prosecution. - Monday, January 23, 2012.
"That’s the only way that Obama will retain a second term, if he goes against Gingrich.
- Mike Bosma, The Bosma Group, positing the theory that liberals would prefer to see the former Speaker be the candidate rather than Governor Romney, in the presidential campaign. - Thursday, January 19, 2012.
"We have real expertise in how to use water in an arid climate, and we have interest from around the world to bring people to Nevada both to study that subject as well as to build businesses around that subject. "
- Steve Hill, Executive Director Governors Office of Economic Development, who says this is an opportunity for Nevada, as the world’s population grows and the supply of water doesn’t.
- Wednesday, January 18, 2012.
"If you give Newt Gingrich 30 seconds in a debate, he’s great. If you give him a minute and 30 seconds, he’s going to put everyone else to sleep. "
- George Harris, Nevadans for Sound Government, two days before Newt Gingrich hammered CNN’s John King regarding the question posed about Gingrich’s ex wife’s revelations on Nightline. - Tuesday, January 17, 2012.
"Foreclosures dropped from 4000 a month to 40 a month."
- Attorney Geof Giles, relaying the fact that because of statutory enactments in the foreclosure rules in June, we have seen a stunning drop in foreclosures in Nevada. - Monday, January 16, 2012.
"We don’t talk about donors.
- Gregg Phillips, Managing Director, Winning our Future PAC, commented after being asked if Sheldon Adelson contribution of $5 million dollars had made a difference to the Gingrich campaign for President. He claims the PAC has received large donations and some as small as $2.50. - Thursday, January 12, 2012.
"A little help from the Legislature might be useful.
- Dr. Lane Smith, Plastic Surgeon, discussing fake plastic surgeons who have been injecting people with Fix-a-Flat and mineral oil and sealing the site with crazy glue. Smith explains that this falls into a gray area between the police agencies and the Medical Board with no real defined rules. - Wednesday, January 11, 2012.
"You cannot travel in Israel, among business circles, without hearing Mr. Adelson’s name.
- Gary Epstein, attorney and co-head of the Israeli office of Greenburg-Traurig, describing Sheldon Adelson, the head of Las Vegas Sands, as both an influential businessman and true lover of Israel. - Tuesday, January 10, 2012.
"My answer is no.
- Congressman Mark Amodei makes the point that the Presidential debates have no bearing on the work of the Congress. - Monday, January 9, 2012.
"Romney is very skilled, and so is Gingrich. Santorum, I don’t think so."
- Mary Lau, President and CEO, Retail Association of Nevada, discounting Rick Santorum’s campaign in Nevada, in part, due to the fact that as a social conservative he will get pulled into the Personhood debate in Nevada. - Thursday, January 5, 2012.
"The guy is a bully. That’s the bottom line."
- State Senator, Michael Roberson, using as an example that Senate Majority Leader, Horsford, tried to force Republicans to accept committees with 5 Democrats and two Republicans versus the more traditional 4/3 split, in the last Legislative session. - Wednesday, January 4, 2012.
"The threat that we would lose delegates and be punished and then the promise that we’d get to keep our delegates and that the state would be treated nicely and get good hotel rooms at the convention in Tampa. So the end result is by pushing us back after Florida is the chance that Nevada could be completely irrelevant. "
- Glenn Cook, Editorial Page Writer, Las Vegas Review-Journal, disagreeing with Governor List on moving Nevada’s caucus to 5th instead of 3rd that it would not end up being a benefit to the State. - Tuesday, January 3, 2012.
"Really bringing folks together. I think that you’re going to have to reach across the aisle and to work together. I think you’re going to have to be a hard worker."
- Assemblywoman Marilyn Kirkpatrick laying out the job requirements for the next Speaker of the Assembly. - Wednesday, December 21, 2011.