Nevada Newsmakers


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"The State is now energized."
- Krys Bart, President and CEO, Reno Tahoe International Airport, who feels that under the current Governor's leadership, the State will now lead in economic development. She says that hasn’t always been the case with past administrations. - Thursday, March 29, 2012.
"In Israel we’re looking for terrorists and here you’re looking for nail clippers."
- Steve Mulvenon, Patron Insight, quoting the Director of El Al Security, as it pertains to the TSA and the recent Jet Blue incident where the pilot was taken down by staff and passengers. - Wednesday, March 28, 2012.
"It’s watching a lot of people bloviate, give speeches. It’s not really any kind of formal debate, of any kind, for the most part."
- Robert Uithoven, Kolesar & Leatham, describing Congress on C-Span and why he’s not in favor of televising the US Supreme Court. - Tuesday, March 27, 2012.
"The larger the pool, the better it gets. So the theory is right but you can’t, anymore, get it out of the politics. Not in this day and age."
- Michael Hillerby, Partner Hillerby and Associates, looking at two sides of the health care discussion at the US Supreme Court. - Monday, March 26, 2012.
"I think that’s one of the most tragical ideas I have heard in a long long time."
- Dr. John Jandali, Middle East Expert, referring to Senator John McCain’s call for bombing Syrian installations. - Thursday, March 22, 2012.
"We think a margin tax is much worse that these sunset taxes that are being extended. "
- Geoffrey Lawrence, Deputy Director of Policy, NPRI, responding to the notion that Governor Sandoval’s plan to extend the taxes that were intended to sunset, will perhaps take the steam out of the push for a margins tax or increased gaming and mining taxes. - Wednesday, March 21, 2012.
"You would hope that would be the case. "
- State Senator Mo Denis(D), who went on to say that the Republican State Senators who are lining up with the Governor, regarding the continuation of the taxes that were supposed to sunset, were doing it more for political purposes rather than them adopting a more moderate position. - Tuesday, March 20, 2012.
"I can’t predict the future."
- State Senator Greg Brower, when asked if he would commit to serving his full term if he is reelected to the State Senate. There has been talk of him running for Attorney General in 2014. - Monday, March 19, 2012.
"One man’s civility is another man’s good time."
- Tray Abney, The Chamber, who was more offended at what was said during the Congressional hearings than what Rush Limbaugh said on his radio program. - Thursday, March 15, 2012.
"I believe he is, on name recognition alone, the clear front runner in this race and the person to beat."
- Glenn Cook, Editorial writer for the LV Review Journal, who feels that Bob Beers is the kind of candidate who could drive people, who might not normally vote, to go the polls, based on his fiscal conservancy and policy experience. Beers is running in the Ward 2 race for Las Vegas City Council. - Wednesday, March 14, 2012.
"That is the one potential cloud I see, right now. Other than that, I think we are definitely revenue wise, moving in the right direction. "
- Carole Vilardo, President Nevada Taxpayers Association, who raises some concern about the rising gas prices and how they could affect drive in traffic, especially in Southern Nevada. - Tuesday, March 13, 2012.
"The responses he gave to the board were troubling. Suggesting he either ignored or didn’t understand the elements of the Foreign Corrupt Practices act. "
- Former Governor Bob Miller, who is Chairman of the Compliance Board of Wynn Resorts, explaining part of the reason why Kazuo Okada’s company was removed from ownership of Wynn Resorts. As part of the investigation of Okada, there was concern that he had given gifts or what could be termed as bribes, to foreign government officials for special favors. - Monday, March 12, 2012.
"It’s reaching a crisis stage right now."
- Susan Martinovich, Director, Nevada Department of Transportation, who says that the country will lose thousands of jobs and will bring federal road construction to a standstill, if the new Federal Transportation bill isn’t passed by the end of March. - Thursday, March 1, 2012.
"For eight straight quarters now, we’ve seen improvement."
- Mark Lipparelli, Nevada Gaming Control Board Chairman, who says that the gaming economy continues to get better in Nevada. - Wednesday, February 29, 2012.
"I think there’s going to be a lot of independent expenditures in this race. They are going to try and have a lot of TV commercials making me out to be this horrible person. "
- Former State Senator Sheila Leslie, who is now a State Senate candidate running against State Senator Greg Brower. Leslie believes her years in public service will help her combat what looks to be a very nasty and expensive campaign. - Tuesday, February 28, 2012.
"Look, I think the President is going to be hard to beat."
- Pete Ernaut, Principal R & R Partners, responding to the question of why people like Governor Chris Christie, Governor Mitch Daniels and former Governor Jeb Bush are not jumping into this Presidential race. - Monday, February 27, 2012.
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