Nevada Newsmakers


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"All it’s doing is making the legitimate media, kind of annoyed. "
- Las Vegas Review Journal Columnist, Jane Ann Morrison, referring to the Shelly Berkley Campaign for Senate keeping the candidate away from interviews, especially regarding ethics questions. - Wednesday, May 30, 2012.
"While I did point out that some Democrats had behaved badly, in the recent past, these kind of reforms will have checks and balances for both parties because it is obvious that both R’s and D’s can behave badly."
- Assemblyman Pat Hickey, who has proposed ideas for financial transparency for legislators. - Tuesday, May 29, 2012.
"High end play is 20% to 25% "
- Bill Lerner, gaming analyst, Union Gaming, who says that Asian inbound baccarat play is a growing portion of Las Vegas casino revenue, even though gaming growth in general is only improving slowly. - Monday, May 28, 2012.
"It’s probably a godsend to say goodbye to the party because the Presidential campaign itself will take hold and organize it well."
- Sig Rogich, Rogich Communications, not unhappy that the State Republican Party is being bypassed by the Romney Campaign. Rogich points out that this is not unusual, referring back to Paul Laxalt, when he was Governor, taking hold of the party from the John Birch element. - Thursday, May 24, 2012.
"That's what shrinking is, in Federal Government terms. Limiting the level, or the trajectory of growth. It’s never a cut."
- Robert Uithoven describing the Federal Government's efforts to “cut” the travel budget for conventions. - Thursday, May 17, 2012.
"It's all good news but it's not going to be quick."
- Clara Andriola, Associated Builders and Contractors, looking at the current uptick in housing sales and commercial building in Nevada, while being realistic that we are still 5 years out from a total recovery in these areas. - Wednesday, May 16, 2012.
"The Ron Paul people are following the rules and taking over the party."
- Alison Gaulden, VP Planned Parenthood, who points out that the Paul folks have successfully highlighted the caucus and party process that elects the next leaders. - Tuesday, May 15, 2012.
"It’s very difficult to say that you can lose 75 million dollars in annual state budget and become better."
- UNR President, Marc Johnson, who says that by strategic budget cutting, not across the board, the university maintained the programs that were drawing the most students, doing the most research and doing the most outreach to the community, and therefore has momentum moving forward. - Monday, May 14, 2012.
"I’m glad he’s finally caught up with Dick Chaney’s position on this issue. "
- Orrin Johnson, Republican Activist, in reference to President Obama’s newly announced support for gay marriage. - Thursday, May 10, 2012.
"The good news is that we’re beginning to understand what we’re waging war against but our enemy is just so complicated that we have to approach it from different perspectives."
- Dr. David Amaral, Director of Research at the UC Davis Mind Institute, who compares Autism to Cancer in the fact that it takes so many different forms. - Wednesday, May 9, 2012.
"I just feel that it’s wonderful that Las Vegas has been able to keep our collective act together over the last three, four years. We haven’t lost a big property at all. Sahara was about the only big casino that closed and now it looks like its going to reopen. "
- Dr William Thompson, Professor Emeritus UNLV, who has a positive outlook for the Las Vegas gaming economy especially with the help of monies to Nevada companies from Macau. - Tuesday, May 8, 2012.
"We may see upwards of 150,000 more people eligible for Medicaid. "
- Mike Willden, Director of the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, who says that between now and 2020 the estimated cost to Nevada, for Obamacare, will be 574 million dollars. - Monday, May 7, 2012.
"That kind of set up a wild ride for me."
- Assemblywomen Debbie Smith (D, who is leaving the Assembly for a safe Democratic seat in the State Senate, due to State Senator Sheila Leslie moving from a safe district to a competitive one. - Thursday, May 3, 2012.
"If I’m thinking about coming to Nevada and you pull in a corporate tax, you know where I’m going…Texas"
- Republican National Committeewoman, Heidi Smith, responding to the idea of any corporate tax in Nevada, based on the New York Times story, about Apple setting up in Nevada, to not have to pay California’s corporate tax. - Wednesday, May 2, 2012.
"It saved us 11½ % difference net to the bottom line by moving the headquarters from California, moving it to Nevada."
- Gene Humphrey, President, International Test Solutions, Inc. whose company made the move as soon as they saw that their business was going to be financially successful. It was all about taxes. - Tuesday, May 1, 2012.
"I think it’s a totally asinine story."
- Mary Lau, President and CEO, Retail Association of Nevada, describing the New York Times article painting Apple as the bad guy for not having to pay $2.4 billion in corporate taxes by moving its collection and investment arm to Nevada from California. - Monday, April 30, 2012.
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