Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Mike Uboldi – CEO and President of Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center
Pundits: Larry Matheis, Executive Director, Nevada State Medical Association
Tray Abney, Director of Government Relations/Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce
Joe Guild, attorney
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar and Paul Enos
Guests: Maggie Carlton, State Senate (D) Clark #2
Pundits: Larry Matheis, Executive Director, Nevada State Medical Association
Michael Hackett, Alrus Consulting
Clara Andriola, President and CEO, Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC) Sierra NV Chapter
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Terry Care, State Senate (D) Clark # 7
Pundits: Terry Hickman, Executive Director, Nevada State Education Assn.
Robert Compan, Government Affairs Representative, Farmers Insurance
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Heidi Gansert, Assemblywoman, ( R ) Washoe #25 - Minority Leader
Pundits: Paul Enos, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc.
Jeff Fontaine, Executive Director, Nevada Association of Counties
Bill Uffelman, President & CEO of Nevada Bankers Assn.
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Dr. Stephen Wells, DRI President/President G2 Inc. Board (G2 Stands for Gathering Genius)
Pundits: Trevor Hayes, Lionel Sawyer Collins
Mary Lau, President/CEO of Retail Association of Nevada
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Marlene Lockard, Capital Strategies
Guests: Senator Mike Schneider, State Senate, Clark# 11
Pundits: Ray Bacon, Exec. Dir. NV Manufacturers Assn.
Jesse Wadhams, Lobbyist, Jones Vargas
Ernie Adler,Former State Senator
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Catherine Cortez Masto, ( D )
Attorney General State of Nevada
Pundits: Scott Craigie, Alrus Consulting
Liz MacMenamin, Director of G'vmt Affairs Retail Assoc. of Nevada
John Sande IV, Attorney, Jones Vargas
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Rebecca Palmer, president of the PFLAG Carson Region ( Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Lee Rowland, Northern Coordinator, ACLU of Nevada
Pundits: Robert Uithoven, Political Consultant
Helen Foley, Faiss Foley Warren
Joe Guild, attorney
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Tim Crowley, President of the Nevada Mining Association
Pundits: Russell Rowe, Kummer Kaempfer Bonner Renshaw & Ferrario
Michael Hackett, Alrus Consulting
Tray Abney, Director of Government Relations/Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Charles McNeely, Reno City Manager
Pundits: Liz MacMenamin, Director of G'vmt Affairs Retail Assoc. of Nevada
Bob Crowell, Mayor of Carson City
Steve Robinson, Director of State Government Affairs at R&R Partners
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Dean Heller Congressman, ( R ) 2nd congressional District
AIR PART 2 Sue Lowden, Chairman of the N
Nevada Republican Party
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Dina Titus ( D ) Congress
Sue Lowden, Chairman of the Nevada Republican Party -
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Guests: Bill Raggio State Senator ( R ) Washoe # 3-Senate Minority Leader
Pundits: John Pappageorge, lobbyist
John Griffin, Kummer Kaempfer
Paul Enos, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Guests: Steven Horsford, (D) Senate Majority Leader
Pundits: Alfredo Alonso, Lewis and Roca
Robert Ostrovsky, President of Ostrovsky and Associates
Bill Uffelman, President & CEO of Nevada Bankers Assn.
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Barbara Buckley Assembly Speaker ( D ) Clark District 8
Pundits: Mary Lau, President/CEO of Retail Association of Nevada
Larry Matheis, Executive Director, Nevada State Medical Association
Marlene Lockard, Capital Strategies
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