Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Susan Martinovich, Director of NDOT
Pundits: Alison Gaulden, Planned Parenthood
Fred Lokken, Professor of Political Science at TMCC
Mary Lau, President/CEO of Retail Association of Nevada
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Guests: Dr. Milton Glick, President, UNR
Pundits: Bill Uffelman, President & CEO of Nevada Bankers Assn.
Ellie Lopez-Bowlan, Community Activist
Howard Rosenberg, UNR professor
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Harvey Whittemore, Chairman and Founder of Wingfield Nevada Group
Pundits: Michael Hackett, Alrus Consulting
Mike Bosma, Managing Shareholder, Bosma Group
Tray Abney, Director of Government Relations/Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Marlene Lockard Capital Strategies
Guests: Jill Derby, former Regent
Pundits: Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Amy Curtis-Weber, Executive Director, Washoe County Democratic Party
John Sande IV, Attorney, Jones Vargas
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Robert List, Republican National Committeeman
Pundits: Bob Crowell, Mayor of Carson City
Elisa Maser, President & CEO of Nevada Advocates for Planned Parenthood Affiliates
Ray Bacon, Exec. Dir. NV Manufacturers Assn.
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Dennis McGovern, General Manager “The Legends” at Sparks Marina
Pundits: Vito de la Cruz, Lawyer /Community Activist
Ernie Adler, Former State Senator
Wayne Frediani, Exec. Dir. Nevada Franchised Auto Dealers Assn.
Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Co-Host: Marlene Lockard, Capital Strategies
Guests: Ben Kieckhefer, ( R ) Candidate for Nevada State Senate, Washoe District 4
Pundits: Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Marlene Lockard, Capital Strategies
Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Co-Host: Randi Thompson, political analyst
Guests: Mike Montandon, ( R ) Candidate for Governor
Pundits: Anthony Hall, Partner with Holland & Hart
Joe Guild, attorney
Bob Barengo, Former Speaker of the Assembly
Host: Ray Hagar, RGJ
Co-Host: Scott Craigie, Alrus Consulting
Guests: Lacy J. Dalton (the singer and president of the Let 'Em Run Foundation)
Bonnie Matton, President of the Wild Horse Preservation League
Willis Lamm, President of Least Resistance Training Concepts
Pundits: Scott Craigie, Alrus Consulting
Greg Crawford, Managing Partner at Sierra Nevada Wealth Management
Clara Andriola, President and CEO, Associated Builders & Contractors (ABC) Sierra NV Chapter
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Dr. Keith Rheault, Superintendent of Public Instruction
Pundits: Dorie Guy, Vice Chair, Washoe County Democratic Party
Al Lachner, President of Nevada Comstock Communications
Connie McMullen, Publisher, Senior Spectrum Newspaper
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Dino Di Cianno,Executive Director for the Nevada Department of Taxation
Pundits: Alison Gaulden, Planned Parenthood
Steve Robinson, Director of State Government Affairs at R&R Partners
Ty Cobb, former Special Assistant to President Reagan
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Paul Enos, Nevada Motor Transport Association, Inc.
Guests: Josh Hicks Former Chief of Staff to Governor Gibbons
Pundits: Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Chris Wicker, Spokesperson for the Washoe County Dem. Party
Alfredo Alonso, Lewis and Roca
Host: Sam Shad
Co-Host: Ray Hagar, Reno Gazette Journal
Guests: Rick Parr, Manager, Reno Aces Baseball Club
Pundits: Chip Evans, Chair of the Washoe County Democratic Party
John Griffin, Kummer Kaempfer
Robert Uithoven, Political Consultant
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Lance Gilman,
Partner/Broker for Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center
Pundits: Anjeanette Damon, political reporter for the Reno Gazette-Journal
Michael Hackett, Alrus Consulting
Rew Goodenow, Law firm - Parsons, Behle and Latimer
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Zeb Hogan, Associate research professor at the University of Nevada
Pundits: Tray Abney, Director of Government Relations / Reno Sparks Chamber of Commerce
Sean McGuinness,Lewis and Roca
Bill Bilyeu, Former Speaker of the Assembly
Host: Sam Shad
Guests: Andrew Clinger,
Director, Department of Administration, and the State Budget Director
Pundits: Dick Gammick, Washoe County District Attorney
Marilyn York, Family Law Attorney
Chris Barrett, President, IW Strategies
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