Nevada Newsmakers


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"It's another pandemic to us and many people around us."
- Gino Ferraro, Co-Owner, Ferraro’s Restaurant, Las Vegas, says his restaurant suffered greatly from the Formula One race on the Strip. He explains they saw a loss of 12,800 people from the year before, which affected not only their bottom line but also employee pensions. - Friday, November 8, 2024.
"There's something going wrong at the governmental level right now, trying to push these electric cars on us."
- Don Ahern, Chairman, Ahern Family of Companies, says the thing that is “absolutely right on the forefront for us to make a good, solid step toward environmental cleanup is to go to natural gas.” He adds that ultimately the answer to our energy crisis is nuclear. - Thursday, November 7, 2024.
"The three pronged approach really gets everything we need from a modern, maximized facility, Harry Reid connectivity, as well as that expansion piece."
- James Chrisley Senior Director of Aviation, Clark County, says of the plan to improve Harry Reid International Airport to ensure it’s “maximized to its fullest potential.” He explains the plan is to modernize the terminals, improve connections from the airport to the community, and expand through a potential future connection to the Ivanpah Airport. - Wednesday, November 6, 2024.
"It's powerful for those of us who are interested in Las Vegas history and nostalgia."
- John Katsilometes, Daily Entertainment Columnist, LVRJ, says of his experience watching the Tropicana implosion. He says all those memories, history, and nostalgic moments converged at that moment before the towers were detonated, adding that the last look they had of it were the towers in a fixed position ready to go down. - Tuesday, November 5, 2024.
"The problem has always been that completion date–2037."
- Rick Velotta, Tourism and Gaming Reporter, Las Vegas Review Journal, says the issue with the supplemental Ivanpah Airport is the length of time it will take to complete the project when there’s a significant amount of growth happening now. He believes they realized the date “isn’t going to cut it” and made decisions to expand and improve Harry Reid International Airport. - Friday, November 1, 2024.
"People sort of automatically assume if you don't like one, you must be supporting the other."
- Warren Hardy, Principal, The Hardy Consulting Group, says while he’s not a fan of Donald Trump, he “can’t, in good conscience, vote for the policies of Kamala Harris.” He adds that it really surprises him that people “hate Trump that much” they’ll go against their philosophical leanings to vote for the other candidate. - Thursday, October 31, 2024.
"It's part of why I ran, is we need to make sure our diplomas mean something."
- Selena La Rue Hatch, Assemblywoman AD 25, says when Nevadans graduate from any school, your diploma should mean “you have these basic competencies and you go right into a job or you can go into college and you can be successful.” She explains that a lot goes into that, adding class size is one of the biggest issues and we also need to make sure we’re investing our money in “smart ways that’s actually getting to the classroom.” - Wednesday, October 30, 2024.
"We really took a step back and said, ‘What can we do different? What can we do better?’ We listened."
- Lori Nelson-Kraft, SVP, Corporate Affairs, Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix, says in reference to the paving that took place last year that was “incredibly difficult and taxing” on employees and visitors who were trying to get around the circuit. She explains there have been hundreds of stakeholder meetings, conversations with businesses along the circuit, with resort partners, and public agencies to ensure they are doing right in the community. - Tuesday, October 29, 2024.
"Crazies on both sides need to be flushed down the toilet."
- George Harris, Chairman, Nevadans for Sound Government says we need to get back to “adult supervision” in politics, run the country and “act in a business manner” while showing respect and civility. He adds the left has been very good with intimidation tactics while Republicans are “too meek” and need to stand up. - Friday, October 25, 2024.
"What I know is you have to have compassion, but compassion for the homeless person and the person who opened a small business and risked everything to do it."
- Peter Guzman, President Latin Chamber of Commerce, says there needs to be compromises with the homeless, and while that might not be considered caring to some, to him it’s “tremendously compassionate to take some of these folks and take them to places where there's resources to deal with their mental health issues, their drug addictions, and train them to become taxpayers.” - Thursday, October 24, 2024.
"I think we can all agree that for most Americans, and certainly most Nevadans, they feel like the political system isn't working for them right now."
- Mike Draper, Spokesman, Yes on 3, emphasizes issues in our current system including voter disenfranchisement, polarized politics, and how registered independents can’t vote in primaries, explaining Question 3 “begins to fix those problems” and gives people more voice. John Tsarpalas, President, Nevada Policy, No on 3, counters that this ballot measure would encourage more disenfranchisement and would put a burden on the voter where they have to figure out multiple choices or “run the risk of a ballot that’s considered exhausted if it should be looked at again.” - Wednesday, October 23, 2024.
"You know, I think it's Trump's to lose."
- Sig Rogich, President Rogich Communications, says if Former President Donald Trump can take Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina, “there’s no way for him to lose.” However, he explains that it’s a “long shot” for Trump to win in Nevada because union support in the Silver State is significant. - Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
"But to say, I'm going to go back to Congress and be non-affiliated first, I question that."
- Congressman Mark Amodei (R) CD 2 says of his opponent’s non-partisan strategy, explaining the importance of committee assignments, lobbying for bills, and working across the aisle to achieve policy changes. Greg Kidd (NPP) responds by highlighting his background and understanding on how to get things done in a two year period, adding he intends to bring a “business attitude rather than a lawyer attitude” to his time in Congress. - Friday, October 18, 2024.
"I do believe a woman's right to choose is a civil right."
- Greg Kidd (NPP) says he doesn’t believe this should be changed state by state, but given the reality we have, we should enshrine that right at a constitutional level in the state of Nevada. Congressman Mark Amodei (R) CD 2 says he doesn’t disagree, however he sees a flaw in the abortion question on the 2024 ballot not requiring a physician to be present. - Thursday, October 17, 2024.
"There are clearly some businesses who were affected."
- Tick Segerblom, Chair, Clark County Commission, says that while he can’t go into too much detail because of the lawsuit, he explains there were legitimate claims against Formula 1 on how businesses were negatively impacted. He adds, “I think overall the question we have to ask ourselves, is it worth it?” - Wednesday, October 16, 2024.
"But the biggest concern that I heard from voters is that it's confusing for a lot of people, especially for elderly folks."
- Jessica Hill, Political Reporter, Las Vegas Review Journal, discusses the complexities of ranked-choice voting, explaining not understanding how to rank would increase the amount of mistakes people make on their ballots. - Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
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