Nevada Newsmakers


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"Nevada is probably one of the hardest states in the union to poll."
- Fred Lokken, Professor of Political Science, TMCC, says while we want to rely on polls, “they’re pretty meaningless.” He explains they aren’t conducted properly because they have never understood Nevada and its voters. - Friday, January 3, 2025.
"The benefit of hosting that race is not evenly distributed across the resorts on the Strip."
- Paul Hobson, President Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, explains that while the F1 race benefits resorts on the circuit, it does not significantly impact overall demand for hotel rooms. He says he’d like to see Vegas continue to refine the approach and make sure we’re growing the demand and filling up the weekend before Thanksgiving. - Thursday, January 2, 2025.
"I owe a duty to my constituents to try to get as much done as I can every legislative session."
- Joe Dalia, Assemblyman, AD-29, says even as a freshman legislator he is trying “right out of the gates” to maximize his time in office. He explains three out of his six bills are focused on economic development, including a significant reinvestment into the Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada program to keep the Silver State competitive for advanced manufacturing and technology jobs. - Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
"I want to make sure that we're as responsive as we can be to the public."
- Garrit Pruyt, Carson City District Attorney, says as the criminal chief he ensured the allocation of attorney’s time was efficient, and intends to do the same with the civil division. He explains the question is are we utilizing time and resources in the best way possible to accomplish work for the public. - Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
"This problem with dirty voter rolls has been around in Nevada for a long time."
- Chuck Muth, President, Citizen Outreach, Founder, discusses efforts to clean Nevada’s voter rolls, explaining they've had issues with the Secretary of State which ultimately hindered their progress. He says there needs to be legislative changes in 2025 to fix this problem. - Friday, December 27, 2024.
"I think mainly because each of those communities are distinct."
- Robert Perea, Publisher, The Fernley Reporter, explains the reason for not merging coverage for multiple areas into one newspaper. He says it’s important for each city to have their own local coverage, even though there are a lot of ties between the different communities. - Thursday, December 26, 2024.
"But at the end of the day, our goal is to make sure our community is informed about issues that hopefully are relevant to them."
- Bob Conrad, Publisher, This Is Reno, says they work on everything from restaurant and theater reviews to live show coverages, but their original reporting is really focused on accountability journalism. He explains they do deep dives and investigative work as they have time in order to hold people in power accountable to the community. - Wednesday, December 25, 2024.
"From the beginning, it's always been about safety."
- Shane Thacker, Director, Safety, Quality Training and Qualifications, Southwest Gas, discusses Nevada’s natural gas infrastructure, emphasizing its safety and reliability. He explains that while the federal government requires leak surveys every five years, they decided to conduct the annual survey in Nevada every year. - Tuesday, December 24, 2024.
"Unfortunately, what happened with COVID and a lot of issues happening, people became really distrustful of the system."
- Dr. Robin Titus, State Senator (R), District 17, shares her frustration with the healthcare system, particularly during the pandemic when tests were rushed and inaccurate. She explains the significance of trusting reliable healthcare providers and why individual care is so important. - Friday, December 20, 2024.
"The Saudis, they're getting involved in sports in a heavy way."
- Terry Lane, Lane Bros Boxing, Let’s Get It Promotions, says their company is in the right place at the right time to promote events in the country. He says it’s “been a fun ride” to be part of the country stepping up and becoming a player on the sports world stage. - Thursday, December 19, 2024.
"It's a discussion within the community about, what do we need?"
- Greg Mosier, Dean, College of Business, UNR, explains how academic programs are adapting to the rapidly evolving business world. He explains how they collaborate with their Corporate Partners program to fund microcredentials for students to gain skill sets that are needed in the workforce. - Wednesday, December 18, 2024.
"I am very focused on getting folks out of the Cares Campus and getting them housed."
- Alexis Hill, Chair, Washoe County Commission, says finding permanent supportive housing for seniors and those who are disabled is very important. She explains that if we do that the campus will have more capacity for people who are out of a job, need a place to stay, and we can get them the support they need. - Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
"I think once you sort of see the world, you realize that we're all struggling together with mental health."
- Hillary Schieve, Mayor of Reno, calls mental health a world crisis. As president of the United States Conference of Mayors, she explains it’s an issue that keeps being brought up over and over again, and we need to work together and collaboratively come up with solutions to get better access to mental health care and addiction services. - Friday, December 13, 2024.
"Agriculture is the number three industry, continuing to expand and grow."
- J.J. Goicoechea, DVM, Director, Nevada Department of Agriculture, says it’s not only traditional agriculture, but also the expansion into coffee, tea and craft beverages that is a big part of the industry in Nevada. - Thursday, December 12, 2024.
"There are a lot of folks that are still on the sidelines because, economically speaking, it just doesn't make sense for them to come back into the workforce."
- Milton Stewart, Executive Director, Nevadaworks, explains that not everybody who became unemployed during COVID is back in the workforce. He adds there are challenges, like childcare, where the family provider has to stay home because of cost or availability. - Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
"Workforce development is always an issue."
- Glen Martel, CEO, Nevada Builders Alliance, says there are tens of thousands of jobs across the trades in the Nevadan construction industry that remain unfulfilled. He explains part of their efforts have been to reach out to specialized schools to get young adults interested in construction, adding he thinks there’ll be opportunity to reach out earlier at the middle school level. - Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
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